Dear Choice America Network readers, I'm running for President because it's time to take a stand. For principle over power. For conviction over compromise. For responsibility over recklessness. For the American people over all those who would defend the status quo while selling out our children and grandchildren's futures. Beginning at midnight tonight, my campaign's grassroots supporters will hold another Money Bomb to help guarantee I can continue building a top-tier campaign and pull out all the stops to finish strong in the Iowa Straw Poll on August 13. So I hope you will visit this Tuesday, July 19, and give whatever you are able to at this crucial time. I can't express enough how much I appreciate your support in this rough economy. I know many who contribute to my campaign are sacrificing in other areas so they can help spread the message of freedom and take back their country. And there has never been a better chance for us to win! The Iowa Straw Poll is coming up fast, and all eyes will be on the results. This is our opportunity to further illustrate that our R3VOLUTION is able to turn passion into on-the-ground success. You and I have seen it in our continuing efforts to Audit the Fed, as we have brought more scrutiny on the Federal Reserve than ever before and forced it into releasing tremendous amounts of information it would have loved to keep sealed in a dusty backroom. Believe me, the Fed knows that's just the beginning of what we can accomplish. And you and I have seen the power of our movement most dramatically with my son Rand's victory in the Kentucky Senate race, where, despite the establishment's best efforts, Rand crushed the opposition and has gone on to shake up Washington. So I firmly believe there is no limit to what this battle-tested movement can achieve when it comes together around a common goal. The Tuesday, July 19, Money Bomb isn't about revolutionizing campaign fundraising. We've already done that. It's about demonstrating the intensity of the support for restoring America now. It's about proving that the torch of liberty is burning bright in the hearts of patriots all across the country. It's about sending a message that we will no longer let the establishment decide who is worthy of support. If you are able, I hope you will chip in whatever you can at on Tuesday. There are many more Americans who are ready to support me for President in this election. But it's hard for them to see through the establishment's tired story that I can't win because I refuse to play by the statists' rules. A strong finish in the Iowa Straw Poll would go a long way toward finally doing away with this myth once and for all and convincing more Americans to join our efforts. I'm proud of my record as a constitutional conservative, and I know that no other candidate for the Presidency has the credentials to match. But if we are to win, we must get the word out far and wide. Anything you can contribute at on Tuesday will help me purchase tv and radio ad time, send mail, create more campaign materials, and fund my operations in several key states. And, most importantly, it will help me in Iowa in these last few weeks before the August 13 Straw Poll. If we work together, I am convinced we can WIN this race and take the White House in November 2012. Thank you for all you do for freedom, and I hope you can help my campaign send another powerful message by contributing at this Tuesday, July 19.
For Liberty,
Ron Paul P.S. The August 13 Iowa Straw Poll is coming up fast, and my campaign's
grassroots supporters are holding another Money Bomb starting at midnight
tonight to help me finish strong in the Straw Poll and continue my campaign's
you can give will go toward growing this campaign and winning the
Presidency in 2012.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Time is Now - Ron Paul 2012
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