Dear Choice America Network Readers,
From the very beginning, my campaign for the White House has been about REAL change and true reform.
It’s been about changing the direction of our country.
It’s been about renewing respect for the founding principles of limited constitutional government, free markets, and sound money.
This has never been just a campaign. This is a R3VOLUTION – and so far, it’s been a very successful
And for that, I have wonderful supporters like you to thank.
But our job isn't over yet. We still have some important work to do.
To help me make as much of an impact in Tampa - and beyond - as possible, my grassroots supporters are holding a "Rise for Liberty" Money Bomb on May 17.
This is likely to be the last Money Bomb of my campaign, so I would truly appreciate your contribution.
Already, thanks to the efforts of good folks like you, my supporters and other liberty-minded folks are now in positions of power within the Republican Party in Alaska, Nevada, Iowa, and elsewhere.
Tens of thousands of liberty-minded young people are now active in politics and working feverishly for a better tomorrow for our country.
As much as some in power may not like it, these young people are not going anywhere.
And liberty candidates are filing to run for office all across the nation at seemingly every level of government.
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of folks like you, we are the future of the America.
But there are many State Conventions set to take place soon throughout the country.
What happens in each one could have MASSIVE ramifications for years to come.
For example, the Minnesota Republican Convention is this weekend.
Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, and Washington will all soon follow.
Combined with what we’ve already accomplished, all of these conventions will help determine just how much of an impact you and I can make at the Republican National Convention in August.
They will determine our influence on the direction of the Republican Party, including the platform and the rules, which – as many of my supporters have learned – will be absolutely critical to the success of future pro-liberty candidates.
But for my efforts in the remaining State Conventions to be successful, I need you to continue standing with me.
By maximizing the number of delegates we take to the Republican National Convention, you and I can send a loud-and-clear message to the Republican Party and the national media that our R3VOLUTION is here to stay!
So I hope I can count on you to make your most generous contribution to the May 17 Rise for Liberty Money Bomb.
Your contribution will go directly toward winning as many delegates as possible at the remaining State Conventions.
And for that, I have wonderful supporters like you to thank.
But our job isn't over yet. We still have some important work to do.
To help me make as much of an impact in Tampa - and beyond - as possible, my grassroots supporters are holding a "Rise for Liberty" Money Bomb on May 17.
This is likely to be the last Money Bomb of my campaign, so I would truly appreciate your contribution.
Already, thanks to the efforts of good folks like you, my supporters and other liberty-minded folks are now in positions of power within the Republican Party in Alaska, Nevada, Iowa, and elsewhere.
Tens of thousands of liberty-minded young people are now active in politics and working feverishly for a better tomorrow for our country.
As much as some in power may not like it, these young people are not going anywhere.
And liberty candidates are filing to run for office all across the nation at seemingly every level of government.
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of folks like you, we are the future of the America.
But there are many State Conventions set to take place soon throughout the country.
What happens in each one could have MASSIVE ramifications for years to come.
For example, the Minnesota Republican Convention is this weekend.
Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, and Washington will all soon follow.
Combined with what we’ve already accomplished, all of these conventions will help determine just how much of an impact you and I can make at the Republican National Convention in August.
They will determine our influence on the direction of the Republican Party, including the platform and the rules, which – as many of my supporters have learned – will be absolutely critical to the success of future pro-liberty candidates.
But for my efforts in the remaining State Conventions to be successful, I need you to continue standing with me.
By maximizing the number of delegates we take to the Republican National Convention, you and I can send a loud-and-clear message to the Republican Party and the national media that our R3VOLUTION is here to stay!
So I hope I can count on you to make your most generous contribution to the May 17 Rise for Liberty Money Bomb.
Your contribution will go directly toward winning as many delegates as possible at the remaining State Conventions.
I truly believe you and I are the future. And I know
we cannot be stopped!
Our work over the next few months will not only determine the level of our success in August, but it will be absolutely essential to ensuring we keep making history beyond Tampa.
So please plan now to make the most generous contribution you can possibly afford to the Rise for Liberty Money Bomb this Thursday!
Let’s finish what we started and continue our work to Restore America NOW!
For Liberty,

Ron Paul
P.S. Thanks to all of your hard work over the past year, there’s no denying you and I are now the future of the America.
But our job is not done.
To help me make as much of an impact in Tampa - and beyond - as possible, my grassroots supporters are holding a "Rise for Liberty" Money Bomb this Thursday, May 17.
I hope you will plan to make your most generous contribution to this effort!
Our work over the next few months will not only determine the level of our success in August, but it will be absolutely essential to ensuring we keep making history beyond Tampa.
So please plan now to make the most generous contribution you can possibly afford to the Rise for Liberty Money Bomb this Thursday!
Let’s finish what we started and continue our work to Restore America NOW!
For Liberty,

Ron Paul
P.S. Thanks to all of your hard work over the past year, there’s no denying you and I are now the future of the America.
But our job is not done.
To help me make as much of an impact in Tampa - and beyond - as possible, my grassroots supporters are holding a "Rise for Liberty" Money Bomb this Thursday, May 17.
I hope you will plan to make your most generous contribution to this effort!