Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ron Paul Within One Percent of Obama in Head-to-Head Poll

Survey shows Ron Paul beating President by 10 percent among unaffiliated voters

LAKE JACKSON, Texas – In a new Rasmussen survey of likely voters, it looks like 2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is locked in a tight race with President Obama. The poll shows Paul at 38 percent versus the President’s 39 percent in a head-to-head matchup.

“Our campaign is surging and this is further evidence of that,” said Ron Paul 2012 Campaign Manager John Tate. “In poll after poll, we see that Americans are eager for true leadership on the important issues we face, and they want real change from a leader who stands for individual liberty and limited government, and who follows the Constitution.”

Paul is coming off of a strong finish in the Iowa Straw Poll, where he barely missed the top spot by less than one percent. In addition, recent surveys taken in both New Hampshire and Iowa show the Congressman in the top three of Republican contenders.

A recent Gallup survey, conducted August 17-18, shows Paul only 2 points behind Obama in a general election match up. In a similar head to head survey from last year done by Rasmussen, Paul actually drew a statistical dead heat with the president. And earlier this year in a survey by CNN, he did the best out of the other Republicans put up against Obama in a head-to-head poll.