- House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa Threatens Attorney General Eric Holder With Contempt of Congressread here,...
- Ron Paul Wins Tennessee Presidential Straw Poll By A Landsideread here,...
- Georgia Election Official Warns obama About Failure To Appearread here,...
- Ron Paul: The World's Most Popular U.S. Congressman and Presidential Candidate (VIDEO)read here,...
- "Real Conservatives" and the Next Republican Presidentread here,...
- New Poll Shows RON PAUL Within Margin of Error to Unseat obamaread here,...
- obama Ignores Challenge to His Presidential Eligibility in Georgiaread here,...
- Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist Files Suit Challenging NDAAread here,...
- FBI Will Monitor Social Media Using Crawl Applicationread here,...
- Even Ron Paul Has Called For Criminal Charges To Be Filed Against Attorney General Holderread here,...
- If The TSA Will Treat Senator Rand Paul Like A Scumbag, What Will They Do TO YOU?read here,...
- Judge Considers Whether To Keep obama On Georgia Ballotread here,...
- Wake Up America - Romney and Gingrich Are Blatant Liars!read here,...
- Judge Orders obama to Appear at Hearing to Answer Complaint That Says He is NOT a Natural-Born Citizen and Can Not be President read here,...
- Mainstream Media Lies: 23 Things That Are Not What They Seem To Be On Television read here,...
- 11 Articles On Iran: The Next War on Washington’s Agendaread here,...
- Rabbinical Alliance Urges Social Conservatives to Reject Romney read here,...
- obama Can’t Run On His Record, So He’s Making One Upread here,...
- South Carolina State Senator Tom Davis Endorses Ron Paul for Presidentread here,...
- Perry, Gingrich, Huntsman, and Santorum Will Not Appear on Virginia Primary Ballotread here,...
- What Kind of a Society Is This, and What Do We Want?read here,...
- Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.): Republican Party Should Learn from Ron Paul read here,...
- YOU Must Stop SOPA - Stop Internet Censorship In America Now!!!sign here,...
- Study Reveals Huge Overdiagnosis of Cancer Causing Unnecessary Treatment and Suffering read here,...
- Ron Paul Celebrates Historic Second Place Win in New Hampshire Primaryread here,...
- The Gasoline Export Scam - Prices in the US are Riggedread here,...
- Refuse to Eat These Foods - They Could Destroy Your Reproductive Organsread here,...
- FBI Pushes to Classify Undercover Animal Abuse Investigations as 'Terrorism'read here,...
- Congress Must Fix the Indefinite Detention Provision of the NDAA Lawread here,...
- Four Star Generals Demand That Obama Veto/Repeal Anti-Constitutional NDAA Rule aka; The Banker’s Indefinite Detention of Americansread here,...
- Could You Be A Criminal? US Supports UN Anti-Free Speech Measureread here,...
- 40 Hard Questions That The American People Should Be Asking Right Now read here,...
- Walking Your Cat Can Give Him or Her A New Leash On Liferead here,...
- Why Don't We Hear About Soros' Ties to Over 30 Major News Organizations?read here,...
- National Petition to Fire Attorney General Eric Holdersign here,...
- Attorney General Eric Holder's RECORD of CORRUPTIONread here,..
- Newt Gingrich Fails to Qualify for Virginia Primary Ballotread here,...
- First Amendment Under Attack: 18 Examples Of How They Are Coming For Our Free Speechread here,...
The New Republican Primary Rules Make It Possible For The Republican Establishment To Steal The Nomination From A Candidate They Don’t Likeread here,...
- HANG IT UP - NTSB Recommends Banning Texting, Cell Phones While Driving read here,...
- 27 Reasons Why Newt Gingrich Would Be A Really, Really Bad Presidentread here,...
- 29 Stats That Prove The Rich Are Getting Richer And The Poor Are Getting Poorerread here,...
- Time Magazine- 2011 Person of the Year: "The Protester" read here,...
- Major Earth Changes Coming? Earthquakes Are Becoming Much More Frequent And Much More Powerfulread here,...
- Quitting Smoking: 10 Ways to Resist Tobacco Cravings read here,...
- 1 Through 30 – The Coming U.S. Financial Crisis By The Numbersread here,...
- Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Intimate Partner Violence Widespread in the US read here,...
- Panetta Concludes Iraq Mission, Noting Service, Sacrifice read here,...
- Levin-McCain Bill Would Create A Presidential Dictatorshipread here,...
- This Holiday Give Yourself and Your Partner the Gift of your Presenceread here,...
- 16 Reasons Why Mitt Romney Would Be A Really, Really Bad Presidentread here,...
- Texas Gov. Rick Perry is a Double-Dipper - Collecting Salary Plus Pensionread here,...
- Marijuana Cannabinoids - Oral and Transdermal Methodsread here,...
- Homeless US families find little to cheer at Christmasread here,...
- Ron Paul Suddenly in Contention to Win Upcoming Iowa Caucusesread here,...
- SOPA Undermines the U.S. in Its Negotiations for a Free, Open Internetread here,...
- The Stupidity of Senator Harry Reid As He Moves To Approve PROTECT IP And Begin CENSORING THE INTERNETread here,...
- AGENDA 21 - Allowing The United Nations To Slowly Take Control Over American Land read here,...
- $4 Million Dollars and Counting - Obama's Insane 17 Day Hawaiian Holiday Vacation read here,...
- Green Bay Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers named Male Athlete of the Year read here,...
- Stop Sharia Law, Foreign Law From Entering American Courtsread here,...
- Secret Fed Loans Gave Banks $13 Billion Undisclosed to Congress read here,...
- Newt Gingrich Calls for War by Bombing Iran Refineriesread here,...
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